Individual Therapy

You keep coming back to the same issue again and again.

“I feel like there is this wall I cannot get past. What I have been trying to get over this wall does not seem to work.”

Is this the thought running through your head? Individual Therapy can help!

You have been feeling off for some reason for longer than you would like, and you cannot seem to find the next step.

This imbalance you feel in yourself means something is off. Let’s work on that next step to find resolution. Start Individual Therapy today!

I cannot figure out if I am sad or mad.

Perhaps you have always been fairly in touch with how you feel, and this time is different because you cannot decide on what you are feeling.

Generally, a person needs a block of time dedicated to processing this quandary. Additionally, you need to know you are in a safe place.

I can provide these for you.

How can I move forward if I cannot nail down what is causing this?

If figuring out the cause of this conflict is important to you, we will work together to find the root of how and why you are feeling this way.

The cause is most likely not the most important, but what is important is figuring out what to do next.

How does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy apply to individual therapy?

CBT is kind of the Sherlock Holmes of getting to the bottom of what is contributing to your issue.

There may be some unresolved issues with other people that need to be confronted or it could be coming to the realization of how you feel about a particular subject.

CBT analyzes previous thought patterns that are both healthy and unhealthy.

Maybe you were raised to deal with your emotions in an unhealthy way, or you have turned off those emotions all together.

CBT can help identify the problem.

It is time to get beyond those nagging issues.

Getting to a place where you know you cannot figure this out yourself is a great place to be.

You have been deliberating for a while if you should do something about this.

Well, let’s make contact and develop a plan.

I offer a free 20-minute consultation where we can determine what your next step will be.

There are two ways you can get in touch with me. First, you can reach out to me by calling (980) 225-6409. The second is to email me at


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You can set up an appointment for your free 20-minute consultation by clicking here.

Why Consider Our Christian Counseling Services

The moment your life becomes rough with problems and mounting pressure, the help of a good counselor becomes inevitable. This specialist will enable you to go through the challenges. However, don’t assume all counselors are equal. The difference in their performance is limited by skill, methodology, and experience. Unlike other professions, counseling is affected by the
therapists and clients beliefs, attitudes, and worldview.

For instance, a Christian and non-Christian plumber or engineer can perform the same duty and provide identical results. However, when it comes to anxiety counseling, the Christian therapist will outshine the non-Christian counterparts since they have more to offer. At Clearer Thoughts PLLC, we provide therapy services for interested persons. We use proven concepts and
techniques that guarantee progress. Here are reasons to consider our Christian counseling.

We Provide a Trusted Perspective of Life Grounded on Truth

God is responsible for creating everything we see and feel. He also set in motion both the psychological and physical laws. He has also revealed the truth about our world via his word. From his truth, we can gain access to wisdom for our daily living. Unfortunately, non-Christian counselors depend on their experience and of those who existed before them. So, they are
obviously limited in wisdom and knowledge in dealing with some issues.

At Clearer Thoughts PLLC, we offer Christian marriage counseling Charlotte NC that is rooted in the truth. We know the guidance and solutions we derive from the word aren’t guesses since we source them from God, the author of truth. We also help our clients to seek guidance from God to solve complicated issues rather than relying on educated guesses.

We Answer to a Higher Authority

Despite having all the essential credentials for providing therapy services in Charlotte, our ethics transcends fulfilling the obligations set by the authorities. The best Christian counselors service Charlotte NC, answer to the highest authority, which is God. At Clearer Thoughts PLLC, we go beyond preventing you from getting hurt by circumstances in your life. We take a step further to assist you in every possible way closely. According to us, you are not just a patient but a child of God, a sister or a brother in Christ who needs to experience Gods love in your tough times.

We can always turn to God for Help

As humans and even counselors, we cannot claim to have answers to every problem facing humanity. Our level of education and experience cannot give amicable solutions to many issues. Although we gladly confess to having this weakness, we also boast of having a relationship with

an omniscient God. At Clearer Thoughts PLLC, we aren’t shy to go on our knees to appeal for God’s help when the going gets tough. Involving God in our practice is the secret that enables us to provide Top Charlotte Christian counseling. We are always willing to help you by inviting God to your issues.

We will Pray with You and for You

You cannot deal with all your problems in one day. Some will require patience before you see or experience the expected results. That is why at Clearer Thoughts PLLC, we deploy the most effective tool for overcoming troubles, which is prayer. Prayer is of necessity for healthy living. So, we incorporate it into our Christian counseling. Our therapists will always pray for you until you experience your expectations.